Thanks for the explenation! It would be easier if... well let's just face it, if Russia weren't such show-off whores (And USA too). It's like watching a kindergarten fight, everyone try to bully the others by looking all big and whatnot. God damnit, I though we were done by this in the cold war allready, but I guess with all the shit going on in the two "superpowers" the only way to win at anything is to show off their military while the countries goes to shit.
It's been said that Russian and Ukraina have long history togheter, mainly because of some economic deals / trading back and forth between them two. Problem is that there is so little details given by the news, and all they care about is writing with caps lock that Russia is invading some island or something in Ukraina :/
So can someone explain to me what is going on with Russia going all XAXAXAXAXAXA on Ukraina? Is it to not lose face? Is it to make sure Ukraina stays out of the European Union or what? What does Russia gain by this other than looking like some stupid asses like... well like ever? The news stations report all kind of strange things, so not sure what to make out of it all, so a brief but detailed explenation of what and why would be apreciated.
Edit: Sorry to the Ukrainas (how you spell an citizen of Ukraina) I offended, it was not aimed at you guys, but at Russia. I hope for the best of you.
Boris, Don't mind them, I am in same boat as you It is a game which I look upon as an entertaining value, not a life style. It does make me a retard in that particullary game, but it is a game afterall and should not be taken too serious. I never was or will be an alien, due to this mentality (its a game), and never will since I dont hold any basic setup knowlege - nor skills lol
Let it go and lets enjoy a fun race someday when MP is out, with standard set
So a short update:
Game whent on steam, sold for like 1million the first weekend, and recently got a patch with a extra track/car + other improvements.
Edit: Trying to get youtube link working lol...
Edit 2: **** this forum, other forums have a simple paste-youtube-link-here-and-it-will-veiw-as-immage-on-the-forum ... can't get it working here tho
The only wrong thing that ever happend to him is that his sentence is based on that he is "sane". He is clearly insane.
So what to do? Ignore him, and everything he spews out. Giving him attention is not worth it.
And even if I don't like that guy any bit, I still want him to be offered a normal justice system, and not one where revenge is justice (aka. death penalty). But that's just me, and not an attack on other politic veiws :]
What is the overboost thing in general? I have not read much around, but is it some sort of chipping/boost of the engine but causes damage to it? I have no clue, someone please write a informative reply for a turd
Ah... Got a new message saying something like what I wrote, but I guess it's just youtube that has altered the standard message and made it look like it's the uploaders fault.
You mean the snowboard thingy right?
I did not watch it myself, but watched replays with some dannish commentaries, and they whent batshit I am not into scoring and so, but he did a tripple flip and only got awarded a little over 90 for it (guess 99 or 96 is max, cannot remember).
Edit: Ahh I was thinking of wrong person, sorry! Guess it was more people that got underscored in that event? :s